容易产生歧义的产品名字:p5 590

很多人都知道 IBM 很早就出了 p690。当我和一些同事谈起来要启用 p5 590 的时候。几乎都会小声的问:公司为啥不卖更好一点的? 590 是 IBM 小机中比较差的吧? 我只好说,IBM 目前最高端的是 p5 595. p5 59x 是Power5系列. 是非常强悍地。

590,想说爱你不容易. 虽然貌似强大,但是也有阿喀琉斯之踵。磁盘设计原则明显有缺限,而且没 RAID 卡。随机器来的硬盘做不了硬件 RAID. 作为一款高端的机器,多少有些令人不舒服。最近因为其他的一些原因也是频繁宕机,搞的大家好烦。

590 的一点介绍:

The p5 Model 590 systems feature IBM’s new POWER5 processors, which deliver 64-bit computing power and features like Dynamic Logical Partitioning, simultaneous multithreading, and IBM’s Virtualization Engine™ to the midrange server market.
Dynamic Logical Partitioning increases systems utilization and optimization by automatically allocating memory and CPUs to Linux® or AIX™ workloads that need it most, eliminating the need to spend money on unused computing power. The optional virtual I/O allows your workloads to share expensive disk drives.
Micro-partitioning further cuts costs by allowing you to consolidate multiple independent AIX 5L and Linux workloads and finely tune performance. Virtual servers can be as small as 1/10th of a processor, and in increments as small as 1/100th of a processor. You can even run independent Linux and AIX™ workloads simultaneously on the same chip with the p5 platform.

目前我在操作系统上额外安装了 lrzsz 和 lsof 这两个 Linux 兼容工具。很好用.

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2 thoughts on “容易产生歧义的产品名字:p5 590

  1. Eric Tung



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